Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread — Welcome to the wonderful world of homemade bread, where the aroma of freshly baked loaves fills the air, and the satisfaction of slicing into your creation is unmatched.

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread
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Today, we’re taking this experience up by introducing you to a healthier, more straightforward way to bake: Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread. This recipe is a game-changer for bread lovers and health enthusiasts alike, offering a straightforward, mess-free method to achieve that perfect loaf with the nutritional benefits of whole wheat.

Baking bread in an air fryer might sound unconventional, but it’s an ingenious solution for those short on time or without a traditional oven.

Whole wheat bread, known for its rich fiber content and lower glycemic index, presents a nutritious alternative to white bread. It supports a healthy digestive system and provides a feeling of fullness for longer. Our air fryer method retains the wholesome goodness of whole wheat and ensures a crispy crust and a soft, fluffy interior while keeping the process surprisingly simple.

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to homemade bread, this Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread recipe promises to delight. It’s perfect for those looking for a quick, healthy option for breakfast or sandwiches or to enjoy with a spread of your favorite jam or butter. Stay tuned for the full recipe, including step-by-step instructions and tips for consistently achieving that perfect loaf. Get ready to transform your kitchen into a rustic bakery with the push of a button!

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat bread is a type of bread made using whole wheat flour, which includes the entire grain of wheat: the bran (outer layer), germ (nutrient-rich core), and endosperm (the starchy middle layer). This contrasts with white bread, made from flour with bran and germ removed. Including whole grain means that whole wheat bread retains more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than its white counterpart, making it a healthier choice for most people.

The benefits of whole wheat bread extend beyond its nutritional profile. The added fiber contributes to better digestive health, can help manage blood sugar levels, and provides a greater sense of satiety, aiding in weight management. The texture of whole wheat bread is denser and heartier than white bread, with a distinct, nutty flavor that complements a wide range of foods, from sweet jams to savory sandwich fillings.

In addition to its health benefits, whole wheat bread appeals to those seeking a more wholesome, less processed diet. It’s a staple in many kitchens worldwide, offering versatility for various meals and contributing to a balanced, nutritious diet. Whether store-bought or homemade, whole wheat bread is a nutritious option that supports a healthy lifestyle.

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Can You Make Whole Wheat Bread In Air Fryer?

Yes, you can make whole wheat bread in an air fryer! Using an air fryer to bake whole wheat bread is a convenient and efficient method, especially for those who may not have access to a conventional oven or are looking for a quicker alternative. The air fryer’s compact space and rapid air circulation allow the bread to cook evenly, producing a nicely browned crust and a soft, fluffy interior.

Why You Will Love This Recipe

This Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread recipe is set to become a beloved staple in your kitchen for many delightful reasons. Here’s why you’ll find yourself coming back to this recipe time and again:

  • Healthier Option: Made with whole wheat flour, this bread is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It’s a nutritious choice that doesn’t sacrifice flavor for health benefits, making it perfect for those looking to enjoy their bread and eat it too!
  • Time-Saving Convenience: The air fryer significantly reduces baking time compared to traditional oven baking. This means you can enjoy freshly baked whole wheat bread in a fraction of the time, making it ideal for busy schedules.
  • Easy to Make: With straightforward ingredients and simple steps, this recipe is accessible to bakers of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to the game, achieving a perfect loaf is within reach.
  • Perfect Crust and Texture: The air fryer’s unique cooking method ensures a beautifully browned and crispy crust while keeping the inside soft and fluffy. It’s the ideal texture combo that can be tricky to achieve in a conventional oven.
  • Energy Efficient: Using an air fryer for baking bread is more energy-efficient than heating a full-sized oven, especially for small batches. It’s a smart choice for the environment and your utility bills.
  • Versatile: This whole wheat bread is not just for slicing; it’s a fantastic base for sandwiches, toast, or even to tear off and dip into your favorite soups and stews. You can easily tweak the recipe with added nuts, seeds, or spices to suit your taste.
  • Kitchen Space Friendly: For those with small kitchens or limited oven space, the air fryer offers a compact solution without compromising the quality of your baked goods. It’s a game-changer for apartment dwellers and those with RVs or tiny homes.
  • Satisfaction of Homemade: There’s something incredibly rewarding about baking your bread. This air fryer recipe makes it easy to whip up a loaf, filling your home with the irresistible aroma of baking bread and providing the unbeatable taste of homemade goodness.

This Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread recipe embodies convenience, nutrition, and deliciousness, making it a perfect addition to your culinary repertoire. It’s a testament to how modern appliances can simplify traditional cooking methods while delivering exceptional results.

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Ingredients Needed For Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Embark on a wholesome baking adventure with this Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread recipe, designed to bring the hearty goodness of whole grains to your table with the convenience of air frying. Each ingredient in this recipe is carefully chosen to ensure your bread is nutritious, rich in flavor, and perfect in texture.

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Remember the step-by-step directions and detailed ingredient list are below, in the printable recipe card at the bottom of the post, as well as the nutritional information.

  • Whole Wheat Flour: The backbone of this bread, whole wheat flour provides a dense source of nutrients and fiber, giving the bread its characteristic nutty flavor and satisfying texture.
  • Warm Water: Activates the yeast and hydrates the flour, ensuring your dough has the right environment to rise and develop a soft interior.
  • Active Dry Yeast: The leavening agent essential for making the bread rise, creating a light and airy texture inside the crusty exterior.
  • Salt: Enhances the overall flavor of the bread and strengthens the gluten structure, providing texture and volume to the loaf.
  • Sunflower Seeds: Adding a generous sprinkle of sunflower seeds into the dough or on top of the loaf before baking infuses the bread with a delightful crunch and nutty flavor, enhancing the nutritional profile with additional vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

How To Make Whole Wheat Bread In Air Fryer

Making whole wheat bread in an air fryer is a surprisingly simple process that yields deliciously hearty and healthy results. Follow these steps to create your loaf of whole wheat bread, perfect for any occasion:

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Combine flour, instant yeast, salt, and sunflower seeds in a large bowl. Gradually stir in water to dry the ingredients, adding as much as needed for a soft dough to form.

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Knead dough for 5 minutes or until dough becomes smooth and elastic. Form dough into a ball and place into a well-oiled bowl. Cover and leave in a warm place to rise for an hour.

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Preheat the Air fryer to 390 degrees F. Line the bottom of the air fryer basket with parchment paper. Brush the top of the dough with a bit of water and place it on top of parchment paper in the air fryer basket.

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Bake the dough in the air fryer for 18 minutes or until the top is golden and a toothpick comes out clean from the center. Remove from the air fryer and cool for at least 15 minutes before slicing up.

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Recipe Variations

Exploring Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread recipe variations can add exciting flavors and textures to your homemade loaves. Here are some creative twists to try:

  • Honey and Oats: Mix in a tablespoon for a subtle sweetness, and top the dough with rolled oats before baking. This variation offers a delightful texture and a hint of sweetness, perfect for breakfast slices.
  • Herb-Infused: Knead a tablespoon of your favorite dried herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, or oregano, into the dough. This gives the bread an aromatic flavor, ideal for pairing with soups and stews.
  • Cheese and Garlic: Add a half cup of shredded sharp cheddar cheese and 1-2 minced garlic cloves to the dough for a savory loaf that’s delicious on its own or as a side to pasta dishes.
  • Cinnamon Raisin: Incorporate a tablespoon of cinnamon and a half cup of raisins into the dough for a sweet and spicy twist. This variation is perfect for a tasty and energizing breakfast toast.
  • Seeded Multigrain: Mix in various seeds, such as flaxseed, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds, for a crunchy, nutrient-rich loaf. This version is packed with fiber and healthy fats, making it a hearty option.
  • Olives and Feta: Fold chopped Kalamata olives and crumbled feta cheese into the dough for a Mediterranean-inspired loaf. The salty flavors of the olives and feta enhance the earthiness of the whole wheat.
  • Walnut and Cranberry: Add a half cup of chopped walnuts and dried cranberries to the dough for a loaf that strikes the perfect balance between nutty and sweet. It is ideal for a festive occasion or a luxurious breakfast.
  • Chocolate Chip and Nut: For a sweet treat, fold a handful of chocolate chips and chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans work well) into the dough. This combination makes for a delightful dessert, bread, or a special snack.

Each variation adds a unique twist to the basic whole wheat bread, allowing you to customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences or to complement specific meals. Experimenting with these variations can turn bread-making into a creative and enjoyable endeavor.

Whole Wheat Bread

Pro Tips

Perfecting your whole wheat bread recipe, especially when using an air fryer, involves understanding the nuances that lead to that ideal loaf: soft on the inside with a beautiful crust on the outside. Here are some pro tips to help you achieve just that:

  • Choose High-Quality Flour: Opt for high-quality, freshly milled whole wheat flour for the best flavor and nutrition. Whole wheat flour made from hard wheat varieties is typically higher in protein, which can help your bread rise better.
  • Hydration is Key: Whole wheat flour absorbs more water than white flour. Ensure your dough is adequately hydrated to avoid a dry or dense loaf. The dough should feel slightly tacky but not overly sticky.
  • Give Time to Knead: Whole wheat dough benefits from thorough kneading to develop gluten, which gives the bread structure. Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic, which might take a bit longer than when working with white flour.
  • Gradual Addition of Ingredients: When adding sunflower seeds or any other add-ins like nuts or dried fruit, fold them into the dough after it has been kneaded. This prevents disrupting the gluten structure and ensures even distribution.
  • Proofing Patience: Whole wheat bread often requires a longer proofing time than white bread. Be patient and allow it to rise until it’s just about doubled in size. A warm, draft-free environment will help speed up the proofing process.
  • Correct Shaping: Shape your loaf with care to ensure even baking and to prevent it from spreading out too much. A tight shape helps the loaf rise upwards instead of outwards.
  • Preheat Your Air Fryer: Just like with an oven, preheating your air fryer ensures that the bread starts baking at the correct temperature right away, which is crucial for a good rise.
  • Check for Doneness: Use an instant-read thermometer to check if your bread is done. Whole wheat bread is typically ready when the internal temperature reaches around 190°F to 200°F.
  • Cooling Time: Resist the temptation to slice into your bread right away. Letting it cool on a wire rack for at least an hour helps the structure set and makes for cleaner slices.
  • Storage: Whole wheat bread tends to dry out faster than white bread. Store it in a bread box or wrapped in a clean, dry cloth inside a plastic bag to keep it fresh longer.

These tips will help you master the art of making whole wheat bread in your air fryer, leading to delicious results that are healthy, satisfying, and perfect for sharing.


Why does my whole wheat bread turn out dense? Whole wheat bread can turn out dense due to insufficient kneading, not enough rising time, or too much flour. Ensure proper kneading to develop gluten, allow enough time for the dough to rise, and measure your flour accurately, preferably with a kitchen scale.

Can I use only whole wheat flour, or do I need to mix it with white flour? You can use 100% whole wheat flour for your bread, but know that it will be denser and heavier than bread made with a mix of whole wheat and white flour. Adding vital wheat gluten can help improve the texture of 100% whole wheat bread.

How do I store whole wheat bread to keep it fresh? Store whole wheat bread in a cool, dry place inside an airtight container or bread box. You can also wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or a beeswax wrap. For longer storage, slice and freeze the bread, then thaw slices as needed.

Can I make whole wheat bread without a stand mixer? Yes, you can make whole wheat bread without a stand mixer. Mixing and kneading by hand might take more time and effort, but it’s entirely doable and can be pretty satisfying.

How do I know when my bread is fully baked? Whole wheat bread is typically cooked when its internal temperature reaches 190°F to 200°F (88 °C to 93 °C). It should sound hollow when tapped on the bottom.

Can I add seeds or nuts to my whole wheat bread? Absolutely! Adding seeds, nuts, or even dried fruits can enhance your bread’s flavor and nutritional profile. Just be sure to add them towards the end of the kneading process to distribute them evenly without disrupting the dough’s gluten structure.

Is it necessary to sift whole wheat flour before using it? While not strictly necessary, sifting whole wheat flour can help aerate it, making it easier to incorporate into the dough. Some bakers also prefer to sift to remove any larger bran particles, although this is more a matter of personal preference than necessity.

Can I make whole wheat bread in an air fryer? Yes, making whole wheat bread in an air fryer is a great option for achieving a crispy crust and tender interior without heating up your kitchen with a conventional oven. Adjust the dough size and cooking time to fit your air fryer model.

How can I make my whole wheat bread softer and less crumbly? To achieve a softer, less crumbly whole wheat bread, ensure your dough is appropriately hydrated, add a tablespoon or two of oil or fat, and consider using a dough enhancer like vital wheat gluten. Properly proofing and not overbaking the bread are also crucial factors.

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

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Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread

5 from 1 vote
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 18 minutes
1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 28 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


Air Fryer Whole Wheat Bread — Welcome to the wonderful world of homemade bread, where the aroma of freshly baked loaves fills the air, and the satisfaction of slicing into your creation is unmatched.


  • 1 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 1/4 teaspoon Instant yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 2/3 to 1 cup water, warm water


  • In a large bowl, combine flour, instant yeast, salt and sunflower seeds.
  • Gradually stir in water to dry ingredients, adding in as much is needed for a soft dough to form.
  • Knead dough for 5 minutes or until dough becomes smooth and elastic. Form dough into a ball and place into a well-oiled bowl. Cover and leave in warm place to rise for an hour.
  • Preheat Air fryer to 390˚C. Line bottom of air fryer basket with parchment paper.
  • Brush top of dough with a little water and place on top of parchment paper in air fryer basket.
  • Bake dough in air fryer for 18 minutes or until top is golden and a toothpick comes out clean from the centre. Remove from air fryer and leave to cool for at least 15 minutes before slicing up.


  • Air Fryer
  • Cooking Spray
  • Parchment Paper, optional


Serving: 1ServingCalories: 125kcalCarbohydrates: 21gProtein: 6gFat: 3gSaturated Fat: 0.3gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 294mgPotassium: 155mgFiber: 4gSugar: 0.2gVitamin A: 4IUVitamin C: 0.1mgCalcium: 14mgIron: 1mg

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