Air Fryer Scrapple –– Indulge in a classic breakfast favorite with a modern twist: introducing Crispy Scrapple made in the Air Fryer! If you’re a scrapple aficionado, you know the joy of its unique texture and rich flavors.

But now, imagine achieving that perfect crisp exterior and soft interior in a fraction of the traditional cooking time. 

air fryer scrapple
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The air fryer offers a healthier and quicker method without compromising that classic scrapple taste. Whether you’re a long-time lover of this Pennsylvania Dutch treat or just venturing into the world of scrapple, this recipe promises a delightful culinary experience. Dive in and discover how the air fryer can revolutionize your scrapple game!

Crispy Scrapple In Air Fryer

Introducing the classic comfort food with a twist: Crispy Scrapple made effortlessly in the Air Fryer. For those who relish scrapple’s unique taste and texture, this method ensures a perfectly crispy exterior while preserving the soft, rich interior we all adore. Ditch the traditional frying pan and its oily aftermath; the air fryer achieves that delectable crunch in a healthier, more efficient manner. Whether you’re a long-time scrapple lover or a curious first-timer, this Air Fryer rendition is bound to become your new breakfast or brunch favorite!

What Is Scrapple?

Scrapple is a traditional American food product that originated in the Pennsylvania, Dutch, and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. It is often described as a type of pork-based meatloaf or sausage patty.

Scrapple is typically made from pork scraps, such as the head, heart, liver, and other leftover parts, combined with cornmeal and various spices like sage, thyme, and black pepper.

The mush of pork scraps is then formed into a loaf, cooked until solidified, and sliced into individual servings. Scrapple is known for its crispy exterior and soft, savory interior and is often pan-fried until golden brown before serving.

It’s a popular breakfast dish in some areas and is enjoyed with condiments like ketchup or maple syrup. While it may not be to everyone’s taste due to its unique ingredients, it holds a special place in the culinary traditions of the regions where it’s popular.

What Is Scrapple?

Scrapple is a traditional American food product that originated in the Pennsylvania, Dutch, and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. It is often described as a type of pork-based meatloaf or sausage patty. Scrapple is typically made from pork scraps, such as the head, heart, liver, and other leftover parts, combined with cornmeal and various spices like sage, thyme, and black pepper. The mush of pork scraps is then formed into a loaf, cooked until solidified and sliced into individual servings. Scrapple is known for its crispy exterior and soft, savory interior and is often pan-fried until golden brown before serving. It's a popular breakfast dish in some areas and is enjoyed with condiments like ketchup or maple syrup. While it may not be to everyone's taste due to its unique ingredients, it holds a special place in the culinary traditions of the regions where it's popular.

Can You Air Fry Scrapple?

Yes, you can air fry scrapple to achieve a crispy and delicious result. Air frying scrapple is a convenient way to enjoy this regional delicacy with less mess and a perfectly crispy texture.

Why Air Fry Scrapple?
Crispy Texture: Air frying allows you to achieve a crispy scrapple exterior without excessive oil. The hot circulating air in the air fryer helps create that desirable crunch.

Healthier Option: By air frying scrapple, you can significantly reduce the amount of oil used compared to traditional frying methods. It's a healthier alternative for those who enjoy scrapple without excess grease.

Convenience: Air fryers are known for their convenience. They preheat quickly, and cooking is generally faster than an oven or stovetop. This makes air frying scrapple a time-saving option for busy mornings.

Reduced Mess: Air frying minimizes splattering and eliminates the need for excessive cleanup since there's no oil bubbling in a pan. This is especially helpful when dealing with foods that release grease when cooked.

Even Cooking: Air fryers distribute heat evenly, ensuring that both sides of the scrapple slices are cooked uniformly. You won't need to worry about flipping them constantly to prevent burning or uneven cooking.


Ingredients Needed For Air Fried Scrapple
With these essential ingredients and the magic of air frying, you can enjoy a scrumptious plate of scrapple with a perfect crispy texture.

Remember the step-by-step directions and detailed ingredient list are below in the printable recipe card, at the bottom of the post, at the bottom of the post, and the nutritional information.

Scrapple Slices: The star of the dish, scrapple is a savory, pork-based breakfast meat typically formed into slices.

Cooking Spray: A light coating of cooking spray is used to prevent sticking and help achieve that crispy exterior.


How To Cook Scrapple In The Air Fryer
Cooking scrapple has never been easier than in the air fryer; follow this step-by-step guide. 

Preheat Your Air Fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 375 degrees F (190°C) for about 3-5 minutes.

Slice the Scrapple: Cut the Scrapple into slices of your desired thickness. Generally, slices around 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick work well; you can also cut the scrapple into scrapple fries.

Arrange in the Air Fryer Basket: Place the scrapple slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Make sure they aren't touching to allow for even cooking.

Air Fry: Cook the scrapple at 375°F (190°C) at a cook time of 8-10 minutes. You can flip the slices halfway through the cooking time to ensure both sides get crispy.

Check for Doneness: When done, the scrapple should be golden brown and crispy. Cooking times may vary slightly depending on your air fryer model, so keep an eye on it during the last few minutes.

Serve: Once the scrapple is cooked to your desired crispiness, remove it from the air fryer and let it cool for a minute or two. Then, serve it hot with your favorite breakfast sides, such as eggs, toast, or pancakes.

Air frying scrapple is a fantastic way to achieve that perfect crispy texture without excess oil. Enjoy your scrumptious breakfast!

Pro Tips For Making Crispy Scrapple In The Air Fryer
Here are some pro tips to ensure your air-fried scrapple turns out delicious:

Preheat the Air Fryer: Preheating the air fryer ensures that the scrapple will start cooking immediately, giving it a crispy texture.

Don't Overcrowd: Make sure not to overcrowd the air fryer basket. Place the scrapple slices in a single layer with some space between them for even cooking.

Spray with Cooking Oil: Lightly spray or brush the scrapple slices with cooking oil before placing them in the air fryer. This helps enhance the crispiness.

Flip Halfway Through: Flip the scrapple slices halfway through the cooking time to achieve even browning and crispness on both sides.

Check for Doneness: Keep an eye on the scrapple during the last few minutes of cooking. Cooking times may vary depending on the thickness of the slices and your air fryer model. Please remove it from the air fryer when it reaches your desired level of crispiness.

Serve with Condiments: Scrapple pairs well with ketchup, maple syrup, or apple butter. Consider offering these on the side for dipping or drizzling.

Experiment with Seasonings: Before air-frying, you can season the scrapple slices with herbs, spices, or seasoning blends for added flavor.

Following these tips, you can enjoy perfectly crispy air-fried scrapple for a delightful breakfast or brunch.

What is scrapple made of? Scrapple is typically made from pork, specifically the scraps and trimmings of the pig, such as the head, heart, liver, and other organs. These ingredients are combined with cornmeal and spices.

Is scrapple the same as sausage or bacon? No, scrapple is a distinct pork product with unique flavor and texture. While sausages and bacon are also made from pork, they have different ingredients and preparation methods.

How is scrapple traditionally served? Scrapple is often sliced and fried until crispy, then served as a breakfast side dish. Eggs, toast can accompany it, or a breakfast sandwich.

Can you air fry scrapple? Yes, you can air fry scrapple. Cooking scrapple in an air fryer can yield crispy results without adding excess oil.

What spices are typically used in scrapple? Spices used in scrapple can vary, but common seasonings include sage, thyme, black pepper, and sometimes red pepper flakes. The specific spice blend may vary by region or personal preference.

Can you freeze scrapple? Yes, scrapple can be frozen for later use. Slice it into portions, wrap each portion tightly in plastic or aluminum foil, and store them in an airtight container or freezer bag.

Is Scrapple gluten-free? Traditional scrapple recipes contain cornmeal, which is a gluten-containing ingredient. However, some manufacturers produce gluten-free scrapple using alternative grains or flour.

How do you reheat leftover scrapple? To reheat leftover scrapple, you can use methods like frying it in a skillet, baking it in the oven, or air frying until heated and crispy.

Where can I buy scrapple? You can typically find scrapple at your local grocery store, butcher shops, farmers' markets, online retailers, specialty food stores, and some restaurants, especially in regions where scrapple is popular.

 What are some scrapple recipe ideas? Scrapple can be used in various recipes, including breakfast sandwiches, scrapple and eggs, scrapple sliders, and even scrapple stuffing for poul

More Air Fryer Recipes

Can You Air Fry Scrapple?

Yes, you can air fry scrapple to achieve a crispy and delicious result. Air frying scrapple is a convenient way to enjoy this regional delicacy with less mess and a perfectly crispy texture.

Why Air Fry Scrapple?

  • Crispy Texture: Air frying allows you to achieve a crispy scrapple exterior without excessive oil. The hot circulating air in the air fryer helps create that desirable crunch.
  • Healthier Option: By air frying scrapple, you can significantly reduce the amount of oil used compared to traditional frying methods. It’s a healthier alternative for those who enjoy scrapple without excess grease.
  • Convenience: Air fryers are known for their convenience. They preheat quickly, and cooking is generally faster than an oven or stovetop. This makes air frying scrapple a time-saving option for busy mornings.
  • Reduced Mess: Air frying minimizes splattering and eliminates the need for excessive cleanup since there’s no oil bubbling in a pan. This is especially helpful when dealing with foods that release grease when cooked.
  • Even Cooking: Air fryers distribute heat evenly, ensuring that both sides of the scrapple slices are cooked uniformly. You won’t need to worry about flipping them constantly to prevent burning or uneven cooking.

Ingredients Needed For Air Fried Scrapple

With these essential ingredients and the magic of air frying, you can enjoy a scrumptious plate of scrapple with a perfect crispy texture.

Ingredients Needed To Make Scrapple In The Air Fryer

Remember that the step-by-step directions and detailed ingredient list are in the printable recipe card, and nutritional information is at the bottom of the post.

  • Scrapple Slices: The star of the dish, scrapple is a savory, pork-based breakfast meat typically formed into slices.
  • Cooking Spray: A light coating of cooking spray is used to prevent sticking and help achieve that crispy exterior.

How To Cook Scrapple In The Air Fryer

Cooking scrapple has never been easier than in the air fryer; follow this step-by-step guide. 

How To Cook Scrapple In The Air Fryer

Preheat Your Air Fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 375 degrees F (190°C) for about 3-5 minutes.

Slice the Scrapple: Cut the Scrapple into slices of your desired thickness. Generally, slices around 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick work well; you can also cut the scrapple into scrapple fries.

How To Cook Scrapple In The Air Fryer

Arrange in the Air Fryer Basket: Place the scrapple slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Make sure they aren’t touching to allow for even cooking.

Air Fry: Cook the scrapple at 375°F (190°C) at a cook time of 8-10 minutes. You can flip the slices halfway through the cooking time to ensure both sides get crispy.

Check for Doneness: When done, the scrapple should be golden brown and crispy. Cooking times may vary slightly depending on your air fryer model, so keep an eye on it during the last few minutes.

Serve: Once the scrapple is cooked to your desired crispiness, remove it from the air fryer and let it cool for a minute or two. Then, serve it hot with your favorite breakfast sides, such as eggs, toast, or pancakes.

Air frying scrapple is a fantastic way to achieve that perfect crispy texture without excess oil. Enjoy your scrumptious breakfast!

air fryer scrapple

Pro Tips For Making Crispy Scrapple In The Air Fryer

Here are some pro tips to ensure your air-fried scrapple turns out delicious:

  • Preheat the Air Fryer: Preheating the air fryer ensures that the scrapple will start cooking immediately, giving it a crispy texture.
  • Don’t Overcrowd: Make sure not to overcrowd the air fryer basket. Place the scrapple slices in a single layer with some space between them for even cooking.
  • Spray with Cooking Oil: Lightly spray or brush the scrapple slices with cooking oil before placing them in the air fryer. This helps enhance the crispiness.
  • Flip Halfway Through: Flip the scrapple slices halfway through the cooking time to achieve even browning and crispness on both sides.
  • Check for Doneness: Keep an eye on the scrapple during the last few minutes of cooking. Cooking times may vary depending on the thickness of the slices and your air fryer model. Please remove it from the air fryer when it reaches your desired level of crispiness.
  • Serve with Condiments: Scrapple pairs well with ketchup, maple syrup, or apple butter. Consider offering these on the side for dipping or drizzling.
  • Experiment with Seasonings: Before air-frying, you can season the scrapple slices with herbs, spices, or seasoning blends for added flavor.

Following these tips, you can enjoy perfectly crispy air-fried scrapple for a delightful breakfast or brunch.

What Is Scrapple? Scrapple is a traditional American food product that originated in the Pennsylvania, Dutch, and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. It is often described as a type of pork-based meatloaf or sausage patty. Scrapple is typically made from pork scraps, such as the head, heart, liver, and other leftover parts, combined with cornmeal and various spices like sage, thyme, and black pepper. The mush of pork scraps is then formed into a loaf, cooked until solidified and sliced into individual servings. Scrapple is known for its crispy exterior and soft, savory interior and is often pan-fried until golden brown before serving. It's a popular breakfast dish in some areas and is enjoyed with condiments like ketchup or maple syrup. While it may not be to everyone's taste due to its unique ingredients, it holds a special place in the culinary traditions of the regions where it's popular. Can You Air Fry Scrapple? ​ Yes, you can air fry scrapple to achieve a crispy and delicious result. Air frying scrapple is a convenient way to enjoy this regional delicacy with less mess and a perfectly crispy texture. Why Air Fry Scrapple? Crispy Texture: Air frying allows you to achieve a crispy scrapple exterior without excessive oil. The hot circulating air in the air fryer helps create that desirable crunch. Healthier Option: By air frying scrapple, you can significantly reduce the amount of oil used compared to traditional frying methods. It's a healthier alternative for those who enjoy scrapple without excess grease. Convenience: Air fryers are known for their convenience. They preheat quickly, and cooking is generally faster than an oven or stovetop. This makes air frying scrapple a time-saving option for busy mornings. Reduced Mess: Air frying minimizes splattering and eliminates the need for excessive cleanup since there's no oil bubbling in a pan. This is especially helpful when dealing with foods that release grease when cooked. Even Cooking: Air fryers distribute heat evenly, ensuring that both sides of the scrapple slices are cooked uniformly. You won't need to worry about flipping them constantly to prevent burning or uneven cooking. ​ Ingredients Needed For Air Fried Scrapple With these essential ingredients and the magic of air frying, you can enjoy a scrumptious plate of scrapple with a perfect crispy texture. Remember the step-by-step directions and detailed ingredient list are below in the printable recipe card, at the bottom of the post, at the bottom of the post, and the nutritional information. Scrapple Slices: The star of the dish, scrapple is a savory, pork-based breakfast meat typically formed into slices. Cooking Spray: A light coating of cooking spray is used to prevent sticking and help achieve that crispy exterior. How To Cook Scrapple In The Air Fryer Cooking scrapple has never been easier than in the air fryer; follow this step-by-step guide. Preheat Your Air Fryer: Preheat your air fryer to 375 degrees F (190°C) for about 3-5 minutes. Slice the Scrapple: Cut the Scrapple into slices of your desired thickness. Generally, slices around 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick work well; you can also cut the scrapple into scrapple fries. Arrange in the Air Fryer Basket: Place the scrapple slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Make sure they aren't touching to allow for even cooking. Air Fry: Cook the scrapple at 375°F (190°C) at a cook time of 8-10 minutes. You can flip the slices halfway through the cooking time to ensure both sides get crispy. Check for Doneness: When done, the scrapple should be golden brown and crispy. Cooking times may vary slightly depending on your air fryer model, so keep an eye on it during the last few minutes. Serve: Once the scrapple is cooked to your desired crispiness, remove it from the air fryer and let it cool for a minute or two. Then, serve it hot with your favorite breakfast sides, such as eggs, toast, or pancakes. Air frying scrapple is a fantastic way to achieve that perfect crispy texture without excess oil. Enjoy your scrumptious breakfast! Pro Tips For Making Crispy Scrapple In The Air Fryer Here are some pro tips to ensure your air-fried scrapple turns out delicious: Preheat the Air Fryer: Preheating the air fryer ensures that the scrapple will start cooking immediately, giving it a crispy texture. Don't Overcrowd: Make sure not to overcrowd the air fryer basket. Place the scrapple slices in a single layer with some space between them for even cooking. Spray with Cooking Oil: Lightly spray or brush the scrapple slices with cooking oil before placing them in the air fryer. This helps enhance the crispiness. Flip Halfway Through: Flip the scrapple slices halfway through the cooking time to achieve even browning and crispness on both sides. Check for Doneness: Keep an eye on the scrapple during the last few minutes of cooking. Cooking times may vary depending on the thickness of the slices and your air fryer model. Please remove it from the air fryer when it reaches your desired level of crispiness. Serve with Condiments: Scrapple pairs well with ketchup, maple syrup, or apple butter. Consider offering these on the side for dipping or drizzling. Experiment with Seasonings: Before air-frying, you can season the scrapple slices with herbs, spices, or seasoning blends for added flavor. Following these tips, you can enjoy perfectly crispy air-fried scrapple for a delightful breakfast or brunch. What is scrapple made of? Scrapple is typically made from pork, specifically the scraps and trimmings of the pig, such as the head, heart, liver, and other organs. These ingredients are combined with cornmeal and spices. Is scrapple the same as sausage or bacon? No, scrapple is a distinct pork product with unique flavor and texture. While sausages and bacon are also made from pork, they have different ingredients and preparation methods. How is scrapple traditionally served? Scrapple is often sliced and fried until crispy, then served as a breakfast side dish. Eggs, toast can accompany it, or a breakfast sandwich. Can you air fry scrapple? Yes, you can air fry scrapple. Cooking scrapple in an air fryer can yield crispy results without adding excess oil. What spices are typically used in scrapple? Spices used in scrapple can vary, but common seasonings include sage, thyme, black pepper, and sometimes red pepper flakes. The specific spice blend may vary by region or personal preference. Can you freeze scrapple? Yes, scrapple can be frozen for later use. Slice it into portions, wrap each portion tightly in plastic or aluminum foil, and store them in an airtight container or freezer bag. Is Scrapple gluten-free? Traditional scrapple recipes contain cornmeal, which is a gluten-containing ingredient. However, some manufacturers produce gluten-free scrapple using alternative grains or flour. How do you reheat leftover scrapple? To reheat leftover scrapple, you can use methods like frying it in a skillet, baking it in the oven, or air frying until heated and crispy. Where can I buy scrapple? You can typically find scrapple at your local grocery store, butcher shops, farmers' markets, online retailers, specialty food stores, and some restaurants, especially in regions where scrapple is popular. What are some scrapple recipe ideas? Scrapple can be used in various recipes, including breakfast sandwiches, scrapple and eggs, scrapple sliders, and even scrapple stuffing for poul More Air Fryer Recipes

What is scrapple made of? Scrapple is typically made from pork, specifically the scraps and trimmings of the pig, such as the head, heart, liver, and other organs. These ingredients are combined with cornmeal and spices.

Is scrapple the same as sausage or bacon? No, scrapple is a distinct pork product with unique flavor and texture. While sausages and bacon are also made from pork, they have different ingredients and preparation methods.

How is scrapple traditionally served? Scrapple is often sliced and fried until crispy, then served as a breakfast side dish. Eggs, toast can accompany it, or a breakfast sandwich.

Can you air fry scrapple? Yes, you can air fry scrapple. Cooking scrapple in an air fryer can yield crispy results without adding excess oil.

What spices are typically used in scrapple? Spices used in scrapple can vary, but common seasonings include sage, thyme, black pepper, and sometimes red pepper flakes. The specific spice blend may vary by region or personal preference.

Can you freeze scrapple? Yes, scrapple can be frozen for later use. Slice it into portions, wrap each portion tightly in plastic or aluminum foil, and store them in an airtight container or freezer bag.

Is Scrapple gluten-free? Traditional scrapple recipes contain cornmeal, which is a gluten-containing ingredient. However, some manufacturers produce gluten-free scrapple using alternative grains or flour.

How do you reheat leftover scrapple? To reheat leftover scrapple, you can use methods like frying it in a skillet, baking it in the oven, or air frying until heated and crispy.

Where can I buy scrapple? You can typically find scrapple at your local grocery store, butcher shops, farmers’ markets, online retailers, specialty food stores, and some restaurants, especially in regions where scrapple is popular.

 What are some scrapple recipe ideas? Scrapple can be used in various recipes, including breakfast sandwiches, scrapple and eggs, scrapple sliders, and even scrapple stuffing for poul

More Air Fryer Recipes

air fryer scrapple

How to Make Scrapple In the Air Fryer

4.67 from 18 votes
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 18 minutes
0 minutes
Total Time: 23 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


If you have never had scrapple, I first stumbled upon it in Philadelphia. It is a local favorite.


  • 1 package scrapple


  • Cut the pork product into slices about 1/2 inch thick.
  • Continue to slice until you finish the loaf.
  • Place a few slices into the air fryer, being careful not to overcrowd.
  • Set the temperature to 400 degrees F, air fryer setting, for 9 minutes; after 9 minutes flip, and set the timer for another 9 minutes.
  • Plate, serve, and enjoy!


  • Air Fryer, Air Fryer Basket or Air Fryer Oven
  • Parchment Paper, optional
  • Cooking Spray, optional


  • To store leftover scrapple, allow it to cool to room temperature. Then, place it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. Store it in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
  • If you want to freeze scrapple for longer storage, wrap individual slices or portions in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Place them in an airtight container or a freezer bag, and label with the date. Scrapple can be frozen for up to 2-3 months.
  • To reheat refrigerated scrapple, you can simply pan-fry it in a skillet with a little oil until it’s heated through and crispy on both sides.
  • If reheating frozen scrapple, allow it to thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Then, reheat it by pan-frying as mentioned above or by using the air fryer at 350°F (175°C) for 5-7 minutes, flipping once during cooking.


Serving: 1ServingCalories: 0.3kcalCarbohydrates: 0.02gProtein: 0.01gFat: 0.02gSaturated Fat: 0.01gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.003gMonounsaturated Fat: 0.01gCholesterol: 0.1mgSodium: 0.5mgPotassium: 0.2mgVitamin A: 3IUVitamin C: 0.001mgCalcium: 0.01mgIron: 0.001mg

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