Frozen Sweet Potatoes in the Air Fryer are amazing. Here is a great way to make frozen sweet potatoes in the air fryer. What an easy way to get a side dish made and something everyone will love. Here is my method of Air Fryer Frozen Sweet Potato Fries.
1packagefrozen sweet potato fries
1/2cupdipping sauce, optional
Start by preheating your air fryer to 400 degrees F. (If your air fryer does not have a preheat button, turn on your air fryer to 400 degrees F for 5-7 minutes.
Then add your sweet potato french fries in, remembering not to crowd the fries, and they should be a single layer to air fryer properly.
Set the time to 12-15 minutes. About halfway through the air frying, either shake the basket or use tongs and flip the french fries.