Prepare the Dye: In separate containers, mix water, vinegar, and food coloring or dye tablets to create the dye solutions. Use about 1 tablespoon of vinegar for every cup of water. You can also use natural ingredients like onion skins, beets, or turmeric to create homemade dyes.
Dye the Eggs: Once the eggs are cooled and dry, gently lower them into the dye solutions using a spoon or tongs. Allow the eggs to soak in the dye for several minutes, or until they reach the desired color. For a marbled effect, you can gently swirl the eggs in the dye bath or add multiple colors.
Remove and Dry: Once the eggs are dyed to your liking, remove them from the dye solution and place them on a drying rack or paper towels to dry. Avoid placing them directly on a surface, as the dye may transfer.
Decorate (Optional): Once the eggs are dry, you can further decorate them with stickers, markers, or wax crayons to create fun designs and patterns.
Display or Store: Once the eggs are dry and decorated, you can display them in a decorative basket or egg holder as part of your Easter decorations. If you plan to eat the eggs, store them in the refrigerator until ready to enjoy.